Teknik Menjawab Soalan Sains/Science

Contoh Soalan









1. Modul ini mengandungi tiga puluh satu soalan. Semua soalan adalah dalam bahasa Inggeris.
2. Modul merangkumi tujuh konstruk yang diuji
K1 - Memahami soalan dalam bahasa Inggeris
K3 - Memahami istilah sains dalam bahasa Inggeris
K5 - Menguasai konstruk pengetahuan
K6 - Menguasai konstruk kefahaman
K7 - Menguasai konstruk kemahiran
K8 – Mengungkap/ mengeluarkan idea dalam bahasa Inggeris
K10 - Memahami pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam bahasa Inggeris

3. Murid hendaklah menulis maklumat diri dalam kertas jawapan objektif disediakan. Murid juga perlu memastikan maklumat konstruk, nombor soalan dan jumlah soalan seperti yang dibaca oleh guru di dalam ruangan disediakan dalam kertas jawapan objektif sebelum ujian.

4. Bagi soalan objektif, anda perlu menandakan jawapan dengan menghitamkan pilihan jawapan pada pilihan jawapan A , B , C atau D pada kertas jawapan objektif.


Antara berikut, yang manakah haiwan?

A. Pokok B. Kambing C. Kereta D. Pen

5. Untuk soalan subjektif, jawapan hendaklah ditulis pada kertas berasingan yang disediakan oleh guru.

6. Jawab semua soalan.

Modul ini mengandungi 15 halaman bercetak

1 Which of the following animals live in group?

A. Ant
B. Tiger
C. Eagle
D. Snake

2 Which of the following animals live alone?

A. Frog
B. Cow
C. Monkey
D. Elephant

3 Which of the following pairs is correct about the animals and their ways of lives?

Live in group
Live alone
A Buffalo Bear
B Tiger Zebra
C Dog Bee
D Elephants Monkey

4 Why animals cooperate with each other?

A. To get mate.
B. To get sunlight.
C. To get protection.
D. To avoid competition

5 Which of the following animals cannot be found on Earth?

A. Lion.
B. Monkey.
C. Elephant.
D. Dinosaur

6 Two male lions will compete with each other for

A. Space, air
B. Mate, light
C. Food, mate
D. Light, space

7 What is the meaning of endangered animals?

A. Competition among animals.
B. Interaction between animals.
C. Facing the threat of extinction.
D. Cooperation between animals.

8 Which of the following is true about animals live in solitary?

A. Animals live together
B. Animals live alone
C. Animals cooperate with each other
D. Animals compete with each other

9 Diagram 1 shows an interaction between animals

Which of the following statements is true?

A. Benefits both animals.
B. Competition among animals.
C. Relationship among animals.
D. Cooperation with other animals.

10 Diagram 2 shows a competition within the same species.

Based on the diagram above, why those animals compete each other?

A. Try to get a mate.
B. Limited food resources
C. Defending for territory
D. Limited water resources

11 What is the meaning of deforestation?

A. Pollution.
B. Landslides.
C. Soil erosion.
D. Clearing of forests.

12 What is the benefits for animals that live in group?

A. They compete for air.
B. They can work together to find space.
C. They can defend themselves from enemies.

13 Study Diagram 3.

What are these horses competing for?

A. Food.
B. Water.
C. Shelter.
D. Sunlight.

14 What is the aim of animal living in group?

A. To avoid extinction.
B. To avoid competition.
C. To get benefits for shelter.
D. To get better protection from predators.

15 Study Diagram 4.

What can the money plant gets when its climb the rubber tree?

A. Air
B. Water.
C. Sunlight.
D. Nutrient.

16 Study the Diagram 5.

Which group can this animal are classified?

A. Extinct.
B. Endangered.
C. Conserved

17 The information below shows a few types of animals

• Dodo bird
• Dinosaur
• Mammoth

Why do this animals classifying in the same groups?

A. They are extinct
B. They are protected
C. They are bred in zoo
D. They are endangered

18 Which of the following situations shows the greatest competition?



19 The information below shows of humans activities.

• Forests are cleared for development.
• Rivers are polluted with rubbish.

Which animals are affected by the activities above?

W Turtle Y Deer

X Crocodile Z Tiger

A. W, X and Y
B. W, X and Z
C. W, Y and Z
D. X, Y and Z

20 The Diagram 6 shows a few goldfish in an aquarium.

What will happen to the goldfish after two weeks?

A. Decrease in weight
B. Increase in weight
C. Not changed

21 Study Diagram 7

Why does this animal face extinction?

A. Hunted for its skin.
B. Killed by its predators.
C. Its habitat is destroyed.
D. Compete with other animals.

Questions 22 and 23 are based on the graph below.

The bar chart shows the number of pitcher plants in a highland from 2005 to 2008

Number of pitcher plant






0 Year

22 What can you infer the number of pitcher plant?

A. Due to illegal logging.
B. The replanting of the pitcher plant.
C. No development of the highland area.
D. The enforcement of the laws.

23 Predict the number of pitcher plants in 2009.

A. 40
B. 50
C. 60
D. 70

24 After heavy rain, flash flood happened in Kuala Lumpur.
Give reason why?

A. The placed near a river.
B. Kuala Lumpur had sewage system.
C. People throw rubbish in dumping area.
D. Many trees and plants have been destroyed.

25 Look at the Diagram 8.

What will happen to the plants in pot A and pot B after 2 weeks?



26 Diagram 9 shows two pots of young plants X and Y before they were left aside for a week.

After a week plant in pot Y grow taller than plant in pot X.

From your observation, what can you infer?



27 Diagram 10 below shows an investigation on an orange which is left on the table for two weeks.

Give a reason why the orange turned to the rotten after two weeks?



28 ( Listen to this Question )

Answer: 1. …………………………………………………………………………

2. ……………………………………………………………………….

3. ………………………………………………………………………

29 ( Listen to this Question )

Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………

30 ( Listen to this Question )

Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………………...

31 ( Listen to this Question )

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………